Friday, September 10, 2010

Barthes and The Sixth Sense

A police officer lights a flare and the camera, from a person’s perspective, floats down a heavily congested street and comes to Cole and his mom in a car.  *HER: Enigma 1: What happened?  Partial Answer: We see a dented car, and police officers all around the scene.  Blocking: There is no actual showcase of the accident by the camera.  Promise of an answer:  Cole’s mom starts talking about the accident.  **ACT: Police officers are in the traffic jam meaning there probably was an accident.  ***SEM: There is a flare, which generally means someone is seriously injured because it is placed so a helicopter can see where it needs to land in order to heli-vac a person to a hospital.  ****REF: The suburban setting as well as the sound of the sirens give the viewer clues that the scene takes place in the suburbs of a large American city.

Cole and his mom talking in the car about him being ready to communicate with her.  *HER: Enigma 2:  Cole’s mom wondering what Cole means by communicate with her.  Promise of an answer: Cole saying to his mom that he will tell her his secrets.  Fraud: Cole saying, “someone got hurt” when he already knew that the lady was dead.  Equivocation: Cole tells his mom that he can see the dead lady but not in the sense that his mom thinks of seeing her.  Blocking: She is standing next to Cole’s window, but she is dead.  Disclosure:  the camera shows the bloodied lady right next to Cole’s window, and Cole tells his mom that he can see ghosts.  **ACT: The Shot-reverse-shot shows both Cole’s mom’s skepticism of Cole’s ability to see ghosts as well as Cole’s very serious face.

Cole and his mom’s continuing conversation in the car about his ability to see ghosts.  *HER: Enigma 3:  Does Cole’s mom really believe that Cole can see ghosts?  Promise of an answer: Cole’s mom taking a minute to think about how she feels about the whole thing.  Partial Answer: Cole tells about memories that his grandma told him that he would not otherwise know.  Disclosure: Cole’s mom admitting that Cole had seen his Grandma by answering his question.  **ACT: Cole and his mom crying and then embracing each other.  ***SYM: His mom crying showing that she is starting to believe what he is saying about his grandma.  ****REF: Cole talking about dead people being alive is not normal in American culture so his mom tells him to quit talking about his grandma because he knows she is “gone.”  Also talking about where she was buried is something that is distinct to only certain cultures.

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